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Weymouth Town Council invite community groups to first Networking Event of the year

Weymouth Town Council will host its first Community Networking Event of the year on Tuesday 28th January from 10.15am to 1pm at Redlands Leisure and Community Park, Dorchester Road. The theme is Community Event Management and local community groups are invited to attend. 

The event will present an opportunity for people to come together, strengthen community contacts, learn from each other and share resources and experiences.

Following refreshments and time to network, there will be a presentation on Community Event Management, delivered by Weymouth Town Council’s Senior Events Officer. Attendees will be invited to take part in a Q&A session, followed by a light lunch.

Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Jon Orrell said “I am really pleased to see another networking event being organised by Weymouth Town Council. This is a great opportunity for local community and voluntary groups to join together, share resources and this time, learn about community event management.”

Please book your space(s) and advise of any allergies/dietary requirements by emailing the Town Council’s Community Development Officer: charlotteemery@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk


Notes to Editors

For the latest information and updates about Weymouth Town Council visit the website, Facebook, and X pages.

To request photos from previous events, please email comms@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk