Weymouth Town Council celebrates National Allotments Week
To help celebrate National Allotments Week (August 8th to 14th), plot holders at Weymouth Town Council’s latest allotment site have been showcasing some of the produce they have grown.
Southdown Farm allotments in Preston opened to local residents in March this year and tenants are already being rewarded with a bumper crop. From yellow courgettes to pumpkins, sweetcorn, brassicas, onions, potatoes, beetroot, spring onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers – to name just a few!
The seven plots, off Pinemoor Close, were handed over to Weymouth Town Council from Dorset Council earlier this year. Since then, they have been lovingly-cared-for by the new tenants and the area is now beginning to look well-established.
Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Ann Weaving, said: “It’s a few months since we took ownership of the plots in Preston, and as it’s National Allotments Week we wanted to extend a warm welcome to our latest community of allotment holders who have grown so much produce already!
“It’s also an opportunity to celebrate the range of allotments we have across Weymouth. Not only do they provide benefits to residents who grow fruit and vegetables on their plots, but gardening with nature in mind also creates rich habitats which can help to support our bees and insects.”
Southdown Farm tenant Gail said: “I love to grow things; it makes me feel closer to nature and understand nature more and it’s very peaceful. It’s like a dance with butterflies trying to protect your crop from cabbage whites. The bees also love Southdown Farm; before the site opened, they didn’t have anything to enjoy, but now they have flowers and love the runner bean plants.”
“It’s great that everyone on the site lives within walking distance so there is no need to drive a car. We get to talk to one another whilst gardening so it’s far more sociable than gardening at home. We also like to share tips and swap seeds so there’s a lovely community feel to the site,” added Lucy, also a tenant at Southdown Farm.
Did you know?
Allotments are just one of many services provided by Weymouth Town Council, which maintains nine allotment sites with 361 plots across the town.
For more details on Weymouth Town Council services, visit www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk

Mayor of Weymouth Cllr Ann Weaving, left, and ward Cllr Tony Ferrari, right when the site was handed over to Weymouth Town Council from Dorset Council in March.
And after…

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