Round-up from Full Council
From a motion about a skatepark, a Seafront Strategy, to recognising the residents who have given up their time to work on Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan, here’s a recap on some of the key decisions from last night’s meeting of Full Council.
Each year the Mayor awards the Ken Isaacs Rose Bowl to a group or organisation which has done impressive work in the community.
This year, Mayor Cllr Kate Wheller chose Weymouth residents who are members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to be recognised. (pictured below)
As well as the rose bowl presentation made at Full Council, certificates were also awarded to the residents in recognition of the depth of research each member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has done to help get the plan to where it is now over several years. The Mayor described it as ‘an extraordinary piece of work’, adding that the eventual success of the project will be ‘due to their work and commitment’.
For the latest on the Neighbourhood Plan, visit the website.
Littlemoor Skatepark Motion
A motion calling for options and costs to be drawn up on the redesign, development, and installation of a new skatepark facility in Littlemoor put forward by Cllr Ryan Hope, and seconded by Cllr Matt Bell was agreed by Councillors.
A report will be presented to a future meeting of the Environment and Services Committee to consider. A copy of the full motion is available at
Seafront Strategy
Weymouth Town Council has approved a Seafront Strategy.
The strategy is a ten-year plan setting out what the Town Council can deliver to enhance the seafront area and make it a year-round destination for all to enjoy. It covers the beautiful three-kilometre stretch of coastline including the beach and Promenade close to Weymouth Pavilion Theatre in the south, up to Greenhill and Overcombe in the north.
The document was drawn up after two public consultations and sets out six key focus areas Weymouth Town Council will prioritise, with some further amendments accepted:
■ Consolidating the beach attractions
■ Enhancing the Promenade
■ Catering facilities along the Promenade
■ Enhancing Greenhill and Preston Beach
■ Facilities and activities for young people
■ Generic Actions
To read the strategy in full, download the document here: Weymouth-Seafront-Strategy-2024.pdf (
PA System on the Seafront
Funding of £9,000 was agreed to replace the seafront audio system. The money will be used to install a horn-based PA system from the Beach Control Office.
UK Says No More
Through its website and social media, Weymouth Town Council will raise awareness of support and help that is available on domestic abuse, both through the UK Says No More campaign, and through signposting towards Dorset Council’s services commissioned via Paragon.
Update on the Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr David Northam, Chair of Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, gave an update on what’s happening with the draft plan at a meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 21st February.
Since the last round of consultation closed on 15th December 2023, the Steering Group has been working with the appointed planning consultant to analyse the results.
In total, around 1,450 points of comment or representation were made, which takes time to analyse.
As previously agreed, the results of this analysis, any changes to the plan, the rationale for those changes along with the revised Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan document will be presented to a future Full Council meeting.
This will now happen after the local elections on May 2nd, and not before. This change to the schedule follows advice from Dorset Council (DC) and Weymouth Town Council’s Town Clerk that the next step – a Regulation 16 Consultation which DC will carry out – should not go ahead during what’s known as the pre-election period: the time leading up to the local elections in May.
For more details on the Plan and what happens next, visit the website.

Winners of the Rose Bowl award for the work carried out on Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan, pictured left