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Latest update on Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan

Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan will go to the next meeting of Weymouth Town Council’s Full Council on November 20th. If endorsed, it will then be submitted to Dorset Council who will put the plan out to public consultation early in 2025.

In the run up to November’s Full Council meeting, the latest draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan document will be published on the Town Council’s website on Tuesday 12th November. The updated version will reflect changes made from feedback received through the formal consultation about what development is desired where and what land should be protected in Weymouth.

On Thursday 14th November, a drop-in session is being held at the New Town Hall, Commercial Road between 11am and 6pm. The drop-in provides an opportunity for people to come along and seek clarification on the plan and ask questions about how it has changed.

There will be an opportunity to make formal comments when Dorset Council put it out for a six-week consultation next year.

The area covered in Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan is the largest in Dorset and one of the biggest in England and sets policies for the town’s future development up to 2038.  

It has been prepared by residents and councillors who make up the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group during several rounds of engagement and consultation. 

David Northam, Chair of Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, said: “Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan over the last three years. We are now at the stage where Weymouth Town Council will be presented with the updated plan and endorsement sought.

“If endorsed, the plan is then submitted to Dorset Council, this will provide an opportunity for Weymouth residents to have a say on it. There will then be a referendum on whether you support the plan or not. Your involvement is important for you and your children’s future in Weymouth.”

Weymouth Town Council will hold the Full Council meeting in the Chesham Suite room at the Rembrandt Hotel, not the New Town Hall, for the meeting on the 20th November, to allow more people to attend if they are interested in coming along. The meeting starts at 7pm.


Notes to Editors

For the latest information and updates about Weymouth Town Council visit the website, Facebook, and X pages.