Horses on Weymouth Beach
Rules regarding horses on Weymouth Beach.
Horses must not be ridden on the beach between 9am and 7pm from 1st April to 30th September inclusive. Other rules include:
Never race your horse on the beach. Keep your horse to a trot or canter. Never break in to a gallop during busy periods.
The beach and promenade should be left in a clean and tidy condition with manure removed, wherever possible.
Act sensibly and with consideration for other beach users. Give way to other beach users, and remember that not all members of the public are familiar with horsemanship.
Check the tide times before visiting. Give dogs plenty of room.
Horse boxes and other vehicles are not allowed on the beach and promenade at any time. Lodmoor Multiuse Car Park offers parking for horse boxes (which is a pay and display car park.)
Note: the riding of horses is controlled by the Byelaws to the Seashores and Promenades made by virtue of the powers conferred on the Council by Sections 82 and 83 of the Public Health Acts (Amendment) Act 1907.