CANCELLED Community Tree Planting – Get Involved!
*UPDATE* Due to weather warnings for heavy rain and wind on Saturday 29th February, the decision has been taken to cancel this event. Apologies for any inconvenience.
*UPDATE* Due to the weather forecast for Saturday 22nd February 2020, the tree planting event has been postponed until Saturday 29th February 2020 at 10.00 am.
Local residents are invited to help plant 105 trees on the top end of Links Road open space on Saturday 22nd February 2020 at 10am.
25 English Oaks, 25 Common Hawthorn, 25 Rowan, 20 Field Maples and 10 Hazel trees will be planted on the day.
If you would like to get involved, please just come along on the day but make sure to bring your own gloves and spades.
Links Road open space Links Road open space
Cllr Graham Winter, Mayor of Weymouth Town Council, said:
“Planting trees helps to offset the Council’s carbon emissions and promotes biodiversity within our open spaces. This is a great opportunity for us to work together with the local community to make a positive difference to the open space at Links Road and create a greener environment for all to enjoy.”
In response to the climate threat, Weymouth Town Council have declared a climate emergency and we have committed to making the Council’s activities net zero carbon by 2030. The planting of trees is one of the many actions which we are taking in order to achieve this. Further information on our work can be found here.