Weymouth’s Seafront Strategy
Welcome to the dedicated web page for Weymouth’s Seafront Strategy.
The strategy focuses on the beautiful 3-kilometre stretch of coastline including the beach and promenade close to Weymouth Pavilion Theatre in the south, to Greenhill and Overcombe Beach in the north. It sets out a vision to inform the future management of the seafront over the next ten years.
Download the Seafront Strategy below:
What’s happened so far?
In May 2022 an engagement session included a walkabout on the seafront with town councillors and council staff to gather some initial ideas with the consultants HemingwayDesign. Residents, visitors, and businesses in and around Weymouth were then asked to contribute their views in a survey. We had an amazing response with more than 2,200 people completing the questionnaire!
Download the draft Seafront Masterplan report below:
Download the consultation report below:
We then carried out a further public consultation in summer 2023 to focus on what we can deliver as your Town Council. We received over 1,100 responses and the feedback was used to draw up the Seafront Strategy.
What happens next?
The Seafront Strategy was approved by Full Council in February, with some additional amendments. Prior to this it went to the Environment and Services Committee in January. Work has already started on implementing the strategy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find out more about the Seafront Masterplan with our Frequently Asked Questions.