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Weymouth play area upgrades complete

Weymouth Town Council has completed a £70,000 investment in upgrading seven play parks across Weymouth, bringing new and exciting equipment for children to enjoy in these community spaces. 

The improvements began at Pottery Lane play area, where a new climbing frame with a slide has been installed. Other upgrades include the Melcombe play area, which now features a wheelchair-accessible roundabout, a dolphin-shaped springer, and talking tubes for children to enjoy. 

Lodmoor play area also saw significant enhancements with the addition of a timber rope-end swing, a springer, and a rotating climbing frame. Telford Close in Preston now boasts new swings, and Miles Gardens in Upwey has a replacement swing. 

Westmacott play area, located just off Dorchester Road, received a four-seat spring seesaw, and Honeysuckle Close now has a new springer in the shape of a falling star. All seven play areas are now back open and can be used by the public again. 

Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Jon Orrell, said: “It’s fantastic to see the Council investing in play areas for children in Weymouth. I’m confident these upgrades will be greatly enjoyed by the younger residents. 

“We are committed to improving the wellbeing of Weymouth residents, and these enhanced play areas are a significant step towards that goal.” 


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