German exchange students meet the Mayor of Weymouth
Mayor of Weymouth Cllr Kate Wheller met with more than 50 German students on Tuesday 26th September who are currently on an exchange trip hosted by Budmouth Academy.
The young people, aged 12 to 14, are from Dierdorf in the Rheinland-Pfalz area of Germany and arrived on Monday.
Yesterday they spent the day exploring Weymouth before joining the Mayor for tea at the New Town Hall.
Mayor Kate Wheller said: “I was delighted to welcome so many students to the Council Offices and speak with them about the role of the Mayor, the history of our town and show them the robes and chain I wear, along with the maces.
“I’m glad they got to visit Weymouth and a number of the students made a point of saying how beautiful they thought our town and harbour were and how they enjoyed visiting and looking around the shops. I would like to thank the teachers at Budmouth for staging the visit.”
The Mayor also gave the students reusable water bottles to use and take away with them highlighting the Council’s commitment to tackling climate change by reducing single use plastics. She also gave them pin badges commemorating the King’s Coronation as a memento of their visit.
The students are due to go sightseeing in London later in the week before heading back home to Germany at the weekend.
The meeting was a forerunner to other visits to the New Town Hall being organised for local young people starting with Parliament Week in November.

Mayor of Weymouth Cllr Kate Wheller talking with German exchange students