Hosting an Event in Weymouth

Events Vision
That by 2025, Weymouth has developed a comprehensive programme of high-quality sustainable community inspired and tourism-based events and festivals that cultivates community creativity for maximum economic and environmental benefit and social enjoyment throughout the town council area.
For a copy of the full Events Policy please view the document below.
Application Forms
Weymouth has a long-established history and tradition of hosting events and festivals. There is a comprehensive and diverse range of activities; from international events placing Weymouth on the world stage, to community events that have direct links to the wellbeing and cohesion of the local community.
The Event & Festival Application Procedure is set out to ensure a co-ordinated and effective management approach throughout the council for events staged on council land or for areas where the council has a management responsibility. It is designed to create a good standard and understanding of how each application will be processed in order to maintain efficient communication with each organiser.
To enable Weymouth Town Council and where appropriate, Dorset Council, to fully consider and assess your event application; you will need to complete the Event or Activity Enquiry Form and may be asked to fill out the Full Application Form.
Applications should be submitted generally 3 months prior to the event date; although this will vary depending on the scale of your proposed activities. Larger major events could take between 6 and 12 months or more to organise and plan.
You may also consider looking at Weymouth Town Council grant scheme. Organisations that work with communities in our area are able to apply for a grant from us to help fund new projects, equipment, events or training. More information on this can be found here: Grants – Weymouth Town Council | Weymouth Town Council
Weymouth Town Council collaborates closely with the Safety Advisory Group (SAG), and all large events are required to go through their review process. We highly recommend that new event organisers visit the SAG website for a wealth of helpful information and documentation including an event management plan template. You’ll find guidance on planning community events, large-scale events, and other specific topics that may be relevant to you. For further details, please visit their website.
Finally, if you’re planning an event in Weymouth, we are here to help, so please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
All event enquiries are directed to:
Events, Weymouth Town Council, The New Town Hall, Commercial Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 8NG
Tel: 01305 239 306